


Level 100
Zone Field
Shape L
Race Demon
Nature Shadow
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 37320
Job Exp points 13186
HP 21,555,318
3500 1750 800 100
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
291 233 135 1.5

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Ring of FireBlocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing (M.Atk50%) fire M.Dmg to enemy units who try to get through it. Lasts 15 sec. The wall could block 14 times.
Flame DashAttacks the target with flame charge, dealing (M.Atk 240% +600) fire M.Dmg that ignores MDef. If the target is in Alight status, explodes to deal massive fire M.Dmg to nearby enemies. The skill cannot apply Alight status
Fire BallAttacks an enemy and all enemies around it with fire ball, dealing (M.Atk*400%) fire M.Dmg
Storm GustCreates blizzard, dealing (M.Atk*500%) water M.Dmg to all enemies in the target area and knocking them back. Has a 15% chance to freeze them for 7 sec

Monster Description

A well-known goat-headed demon who uses a giant reaper scythe. Like Demon King Morroc, he has a strong desire to destroy and kill. And wherever he goes is full of death...

Can be found at

Glast Heim Hall