


Level 65
Zone Field
Shape L
Race Brute
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 20755
Job Exp points 10608
HP 4,376,437
1536 153 50 29
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
289 154 125 2.5

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
HidingBecomes hiding for 30 sec , and will not be spotted by enemies. Meanwhile Move Spd will be reduced by 60%
Enchant PoisonApplies poison to the weapon that lasts 300 sec. Auto Attacks has a 12% chance to poison the enemy unit for 15 sec. Poisoned units lose Def, HPR and SPR as well as (2%Max HP +3) HP every sec. HP reduction effects stack up to 3 layers. When HP gets too low, HP losing effects won’t work however the debuffs brought by poison still exist.
Virus DiffusionSpreads plague to an enemy, dealing (Atk150%) Dmg to the target and all nearby enemies. If the target is poisoned, the poison spreads to all enemies in the area. The poison effects stack up to 3 layers

Monster Description

A giant monster emerged from the ancient greed. Although it looks funny, It's greedy and fierce. Once locked by its horrible giant mouth, the target cannot avoid the fate of being swallowed.

Can be found at

Sograt Desert