Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Owl Baron


Level 93
Zone GVGmonster
Shape L
Race Demon
Nature Neutral
Passive Level
Base Exp points 0
Job Exp points 0
HP 17,296,850
500 1281 171 120
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
244 120 125 0.5

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
CureIf the caster does not attack or gets attacked, gains HP over time for a while
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
HidingBecomes hiding for 30 sec , and will not be spotted by enemies. Meanwhile Move Spd will be reduced by 60%
Heaven's DriveRaises the ground of the target area, dealing (M.Atk800%) earth M.Dmg to units in it.
Stone CurseHas a 60% chance to petrify all enemies in the target area (Suffers less earth Dmg/more fire Dmg). Lasts 60 sec. Every 5 sec, petrified units lose 1% HP still they have ~25% HP remaining.

Monster Description


A super wise demon who carries a Soul Staff that looks like a gentleman's staff. As a top Mage, just by looking and talking, he can bewitch others and control them!


Um Guilda extraordinário de professores demoníacos, carregam algo que parece uma bengala de cavalheiros feita de almas. Assumem a forma de arquimagos, apenas o seu olhar e a sua fala já envenenam a consciência do seu interlocutor para cair sob o seu controle.

สุดยอดศาสตรจารย์แห่งเผ่า Demon มีไม้เท้ากายสิทธิ์ที่ดูสูงส่งเป็นของประจำกาย เป็น mage แนวหน้า เพียงใช้สายตาและวาจาก็สามารถสะกดและควบคุมความคิดของฝ่ายตรงข้ามได้

Orang bijak yang bijak dari keluarga iblis membawa tongkat jiwa yang terlihat seperti tongkat gentleman. Sebagai Mage top, hanya melihat dan berbicara dapat membingungkan pikiran orang lain dengan kendali mereka!

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