Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Wanderer - Murasamemaru


Level 99
Zone Field
Shape M
Race Demon
Nature Wind
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 1440
Job Exp points 942
HP 485,550
1598 420 502 100
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
190 266 135 0.69

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Wind DmgDeals (Atk*150%) wind damage and 5 real damage to an enemy

Monster Description


Although he was a wandering warrior during his lifetime, his strength cannot be underestimated. He brings a famous blade Muramasa, which contains a strong evil breath. After resurrection, He is still wandering, In pursuit of comprehending the strongest Bushido as the ultimate goal!


Embora ele tenha sido um guerreiro errante durante sua vida, sua força não deve ser subestimada. Usa uma espada famosa - Muramasa, que contém a forte essência do mal. Após ressuscitar, continua vagando em busca de compreender o mais forte Bushido!

แม้ว่าช่วงที่ยังมีชีวิตเป็นเพียงนักรบพเนจร แต่ความสามารถมองข้ามได้ พกดาบมีชื่อนามว่า - Shiranui รอบกายเต็มไปด้วย Evil Wind หลังจากฟื้นจากความตายยังคงออกพเนจร เป้าหมายคือแสวงหาเส้นของยอดซามูไรผู้ไร้เทียมทาน!

Meskipun kehidupannya adalah seorang pengembala samurai, kekuatannya tidak dapat diremehkan.Selalu membawa pisau api, itu berisi atmosfer jahat yang kuat. Setelah kebangkitan, ia mengejar target memahami Bushido terkuat sebagai samurai terkuat!

생전에는 떠돌이 사무라이였고 실력도 상당했어요, “무라마사”라는 검을 차고 사악한 기운을 품고 다녔죠, 부활한 후에도 여전히 떠돌아다니고 있고 최강의 사무라이 정신을 터득하는 것을 최종 목표로 삼고 있습니다!

Can be found at

Glast Heim Hall