Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Proud Stormy Knight


Level 95
Zone Task
Shape L
Race Formless
Nature Wind
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 169,079
700 293 414 161
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
233 217 150 0.96

Monster Description


Investigator W said, "the red-nosed Rudolph suddenly became crazy... We had to run away from the frightful snow and frost..." Investigator M said, "we still need to investigate the reason why the mount of the great person turned into such a scary figure and took action alone... That's it..."


Investigador W: "O Rudolph não soube por que ela de repente fugiu... Uma geada terríveis nos bloqueou, nós vacilamos...", investigador M: "Como a montaria de um homem que era tão grande poderia de repente se transformar em uma figura tão terrível? Precisamos investigar mais..."

Investigator W: “ทำไมจู่ๆ เจ้า Rudolf จมูกแดง ถึงหนีไปได้ ...มีหิมะและน้ำแข็งขวางทางเราอยู่ เราจำเป็นต้องถอย...” Investigator Mr. M: “ทำไมจู่ๆพาหนะถึงมีอาการหวาดกลัวและคลุ้มคลั่ง เราต้องทำการสำรวจต่อ...จบการรายงาน...”

Penyidik W.Jun: "Rudolph si hidung merah tidak tahu mengapa dia tiba-tiba melarikan diri... es dan kebekuan yang mengerikan menghalangi kami, kami tersentak...", penyidik M.Jun: "Sebagai kendaraan seorang karakter besar yang asli, mengapa ia tiba-tiba menjadi ketakutan dan kabur sendiri? Kita perlu menyelidiki lebih lanjut ... laporannya selesai ... "

조사원 W군: “순록과 흡사하게 생긴 것이 폭주하여 폭설과 얼음으로 우리 앞을 막았어요, 이 일을 조사해봐야 합니다, 보고 종료.”

Can be found at

Toy Factory 2F