Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Holiday easter egg


Level 95
Zone Task
Shape S
Race Formless
Nature Neutral
Passive Level
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 1
1 1 1 1
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
1 1 0 1

Monster Description


An egg of Peco Peco, which may hatch into a chicken at any time. Be careful when attacking it! Don't be seen by its mother. Legend has it that many eggs eventually fail to hatch, and many resentments will be turned into Magnolia to tell the world that they have lived.


O Peco Peco Egg está prestes a gerar a qualquer hora um filhote. Cuidado ao atacá-lo, não olhe para o Peco Peco como se fosse a sua mamãe. As histórias contam que, no fim, muitos ovos falham em gerar filhotes. A obsessão exagerada poderá fazer com que ovo fique podre, dizendo às pessoas que estava vivo.

ไข่ของ Peco Peco มีความพร้อมที่จะฟักเป็น Picky ในเวลาใดก็ได้ เวลาจะโจมตีมันให้ระวัง อย่าให้แม่ของ Peco Peco เห็นได้นะ ตำนานว่ากันว่ามีไข่มากมายที่การฟักล้มเหลว ความแค้นที่มากเกินไปจากกลายเป็น Magnolia มาบอกเล่าชาวโลกที่เคยมีชีวิตอยู่?

Peco Peco menetas Egg, begitu bersemangat kemungkinan menetas menjadi ayam kecil. Hati-hati saat menyerang-nya, jangan terlihat oleh ibu Peco peco oh. Legenda mengatakan bahwa banyak telur pada akhirnya gagal menetas, karena terlalu banyak kebencian akan berubah menjadi Magnolia untuk memberitahu dunia bahwa mereka pernah hidup.

페코페코가 낳은 알로 공격할 때 페코페코가 눈치채지 못하게 조심해야 합니다. 대부분 부화에 실패한 알들이 한을 품고 백련옥이 되어 세상에 자신의 존재를 알리려고 합니다.

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