Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 20
Zone Task
Shape M
Race Brute
Nature Earth
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 100
5 3 0 6
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
140 100 60 0.61

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Wind DmgDeals (Atk*150%) wind damage and 5 real damage to an enemy
Kyrie EleisonGive a shield that blocks Dmg to an ally. The shield protects for limit times to take limited damage. The shield becomes invalid when either limit is met. Can block up to 10 times. Damage Cap = Benefier30%Max HP. The shield lasts 120 sec but becomes invalid when hit by [Holy Light Strike]

Monster Description


It has sharp claws and a powerful jaw. As one of the animal predators in the wild, it is struggling. Although it will take the initiative to attack, but its endurance is very poor. If the low-level players meet it, turning around and running is their only chance.


Tem garras afiadas e uma mandíbula poderosa. Também é difícil ser um dos predadores na natureza. Apesar de atacar primeiro, sua durabilidade é muito fraca. Se Jogadores de nível baixo o encontrarem, então terão uma chance de virar e correr.

มีกรงเล็บที่แหลมคมกับกรามที่แข็งแรง ในฐานะสัตว์ที่เป็นหนึ่งในนักล่าในป่าอันโหดร้ายมันก็ถือว่าสุดยอดเหมือนกันนะ แม้ว่าจะเข้าโจมตีใส่แต่เหนื่อยง่าย ผู้เล่นที่เลเวลน้อยถ้าเจอเข้าแล้วรีบวิ่งหนีก็มีโอกาสรอด

Memiliki cakar yang tajam dan rahang yang kuat. Sebagai salah satu pemangsa hewan di alam liar. Meskisangat inisiatif menyerang, tetapi sifat daya tahannya sangat buruk, jika pemain tingkat rendah bertemu, kemudian berbalik dan berlari akan memiliki kesempatan lepas dari magsanya.

날카로운 발톱과 강한 턱뼈를 갖고 있고 필드의 동물 포식자 중 하나로 아주 포악합니다, 공격력이 강해 레벨이 낮은 유저들은 녀석을 만나면 곧장 달아나야 합니다.

Can be found at

Labyrinth Forest