Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Undead in the Cemetery


Level 85
Zone Task
Shape M
Race Undead
Nature Undead
Passive Level 90
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 750,000
566 295 400 50
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
128 200 135 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Dark DmgDeals (Atk*150%) dark damage and 5 real damage to an enemy

Monster Description


It has a extremely strong resentment and terrible destructive energy. Because it has no physical form, and its cloak has a stealth effect, it can easily disappear in front of the enemy. Its favorite thing to do is to use its big mouth on the chest to swallow the enemy and drag the enemy soul into the endless abyss...


Tem um forte rancor e uma temível energia destrutiva. Como não tem forma física, e seu manto tem um efeito furtivo, eles podem facilmente desaparecer dos olhares do inimigo. Sua coisa favorita é usar sua boca grande da barriga para engolir o inimigo, e arrastar sua alma para o abismo...

เคียดแค้นรุนแรง ทั้งยังมีพลังทำลายล้างแสนน่ากลัว เนื่องจากไม่มีร่างกายที่แท้จริงและเสื้อคลุมของมันก็มีความสามารถในการล่องหน เมื่ออยู่ต่อหน้าศัตรูก็สามารถหายตัวไปต่อหน้าได้เฉยๆ สิ่งที่ชื่นชอบคือการใช้ปากใหญ่บนหน้าอกดูดกลืนวิญญาณของศัตรูลงไปในเหวไร้ก้นบึ้ง . . . . . . .

Kebencian sangat kuat dan memiliki energi penghancuran yang mengerikan. Karena tidak ada bentuk fisik, dan jubah mereka memiliki efek siluman, mereka dapat dengan mudah menghilang ke mata musuh. Hal favorit yang harus dilakukan adalah menggunakan mulut besar dada untuk menelan musuh dan menyeret jiwanya ke dalam jurang tak berujung...

원한의 파괴력이 엄청납니다, 실체가 없고 망토가 가려주기 때문에 적의 눈앞에서 쉽게 사라질 수 있습니다, 가슴 쪽에 있는 큰 입으로 적을 삼켜 그 영혼을 무한한 심연으로 끌고 들어가는 걸 가장 좋아합니다.

Can be found at

Glast Heim Churchyard