Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 80
Zone Task
Shape M
Race Demon
Nature Wind
Passive Level 90
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 150,000
551 295 400 50
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
156 115 100 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg and some real M.Dmg to the target
Wind DmgDeals (Atk*150%) wind damage and 5 real damage to an enemy

Monster Description


It's said that it was evolved from an ancient gargoyle. It's a humanoid creature with bat wings. It's very afraid of the sun, always staying under earth all the year round and attacking passers-by with arrows. Its archery is superb, and if you meet it, be careful!


Diz a lenda que essas criaturas humanoides com asas de morcego evoluíram de antigas gárgulas de pedra. Têm muito medo do sol, permanecendo debaixo do solo todo o ano, atacando viajantes com arco e flechas. Tem boa pontaria, por isso se o encontrar, tenha cuidado!

ข่าวลือว่าวิวัฒนาการมาจากผีโบราณ Stone portrait เป็นสิ่งมีชีวิตประเภท DemiHuman ที่มีปีกของค้างคาว กลัวแสงแดดอย่างยิ่ง หลบอยู่ด้านล่างตลอดทั้งปีและใช้ธนูซุ่มโจมตีผู้คนที่ผ่านไปมา นักธนูยอดฝีมือ ถ้าเจอเข้าระวังโดนลูกศรปักทะลุหัวใจ!

Desas-desus itu berevolusi dari gargoyle kuno, makhluk manusia dengan sayap kelelawar. Sangat takut matahari, tinggal di bawah sepanjang tahun, menyerang orang yang lewat dengan panah.Teknik panah luar biasa, dan jika Anda bertemu, berhati-hatilah!

고대 괴물 석상이 진화한 박쥐의 날개가 달린 사람 형상의 생물입니다, 빛이 두려워 지하에 숨어서 지나가는 사람을 활로 습격합니다, 활 쏘는 실력이 상당하니 조심하세요!

Can be found at

Glast Heim Churchyard