Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Deviruchi Raider


Level 80
Zone Task
Shape S
Race Demon
Nature Shadow
Passive Level
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 76,621
483 295 114 92
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
140 115 100 0.67

Monster Description


A little troublemaker in the Deviruchi race. It likes to play tricks on prey. Once you're targeted by it, it is very difficult for you to escape. The small trident in its hand has the dark magic. And once it touches you, you will be mentally abnormal!


Pequenos trapaceiros da raça dos demônios, gostam de provocar suas vítimas. Depois que se concentra em alguém, é difícil escapar. O pequeno tridente na sua mão está envolto em magia negra, e quem tocar sofrerá falhas de inteligência!

ตัวป่วนของเผ่า Denom ชอบแกล้งเหยื่อ ถ้าโดนเห็นเข้าก็ยากที่จะหลบหนี ในมือถือตรีศูลเวทย์มืด โดนเข้าจะรู้เลยว่าไม่ใช่อาวุธปกติ

Tipe Demon yang sering membuat onar dan suka bermain dengan mangsanya.Akan sangat sulit menghindar apabila sudah menjadi target Deviruchi.Memiliki sebuah trisula kecil dengan kekuatan sihir kegelapan, bila terkena akan kehilangan akal sehatmu!

악마형의 말썽꾸러기입니다, 사냥감을 놀리는 걸 좋아하고 한번 타겟이 되면 벗어나기 어려워요, 손에 든 삼지창은 어둠의 마력이 깃들어 있어서 닿으면 정신이 이상해져요!

Can be found at

Prontera South Gate