Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Time Holder


Level 110
Zone Field
Shape L
Race Demon
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 26880
Job Exp points 22744
HP 37,715,369
1771 2217 771 742
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
279 178 150 0.5

Monster Skills

Auto Attack (Magic-Boss)Deals (M.Atk100%) M.Dmg to the target
Meteor StormSummons meteor shower to attack an area, units in the area has a chance to be hit and take (M.Atk 340%×(1 +5Meteor Number*20%)) M.Dmg. Has a 25% chance to stun targets on hit
Increase AgilityProvides the target and all allies with 20 Str, Dex and Int for 300 sec. Removes Curse and Petrify from the target ally.
ASPD increasesPriest prays for friendly units, increasing 80 Atk for all allies. Self Auto Attacks deal 100 size correction damage that ignores Def. The effect lasts 120 sec,

Monster Description


A strange creature that can only be seen in the area which time and space are in chaos. The big eyeballs all over its body are said to be able to see through the past and the future.


Apenas na confusão do domínio do tempo e do espaço pode haver monstros com objetivos. O seu corpo é coberto de olhos grandes que, segundo os rumores, conseguem enxergar através do passado e do presente.

ในเวลาที่พื้นที่มีความผิดปกติจะมีมอนสเตอร์ปรากฏขึ้นมา ดวงตาใหญ่รอบตัวที่สามารถมองเห็นอดีตและอนาคตได้

Hanya daerah aneh yang disaksikan dapat dilihat di daerah di mana waktu dan ruang tersebar. Bola mata besar di seluruh tubuh dikatakan dapat melihat menembus masa lalu dan masa depan.

시공이 어지러운 곳에서만 목격되는 기괴한 생물입니다. 온몸에 가득한 커다란 눈은 과거와 미래를 볼 수 있다고 합니다.

Can be found at

Clock Tower 2F