Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Dark Lord


Level 100
Zone Field
Shape L
Race Demon
Nature Undead
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 25600
Job Exp points 20000
HP 19,567,662
1250 1680 800 125
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
200 157 135 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
CureIf the caster does not attack or gets attacked, gains HP over time for a while
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
HidingBecomes hiding for 30 sec , and will not be spotted by enemies. Meanwhile Move Spd will be reduced by 60%
Heaven's DriveRaises the ground of the target area, dealing (M.Atk800%) earth M.Dmg to units in it.
Stone CurseHas a 60% chance to petrify all enemies in the target area (Suffers less earth Dmg/more fire Dmg). Lasts 60 sec. Every 5 sec, petrified units lose 1% HP still they have ~25% HP remaining.

Monster Description


One of the leaders of Glast Heim and the absolute master of dark magic and a symbol of fear and despair. After being locked by him, You will fall into the endless darkness!


Um dos líderes da antiga cidade de Glast Heim, é definitivamente ele quem controla a magia das sombras. É a personificação do medo e do desespero Após aprisionado por ele, há apenas um caminho sem volta: cair na escuridão eterna!

หนึ่งในผู้นำของ Glast HeimGlast Heim ผู้ควบคุมเวทมนตร์ Dark Fear เป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความหวาดกลัวและความสิ้นหวัง ถูกกักขังในความมืดมนที่ไร้ขอบเขต ซึ่งเป็นหนทางเดียวที่จะกลับมา

Salah satu pemimpin kota kuno Glast Heim, penguasa sihir gelap mutlak, simbol ketakutan dan keputusasaan. Setelah dikunci, itu hanyalah satu-satunya cara untuk jatuh ke dalam kegelapan tanpa akhir!

글레스트헤임의 통솔자 중 하나로 공포와 절망의 상징이며 흑마법을 관장합니다. 녀석의 표적이 되면 끝없는 암흑에 빠지게 됩니다.

Can be found at

Glast Heim Churchyard