Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Golden Thief Bug


Level 30
Zone Field
Shape L
Race Insect
Nature Fire
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 9677
Job Exp points 4839
HP 607,593
577 289 500 100
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
239 139 135 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
Fire BoltAttacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk1000%) fire M.Dmg and low real M.Dmg
Magnum BreakKnocks back all nearby units and deals (Atk250%) fire Dmg. Applies Auto Attacks with fire attribute and gains 20% Atk damage. Lasts 10 sec
Ring of FireBlocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing (M.Atk50%) fire M.Dmg to enemy units who try to get through it. Lasts 15 sec. The wall could block 14 times.

Monster Description


The king of Thief Bugs, with a very fast speed and a high attack. However, the braves who had the strength once party up and went to eliminate it. It's said that you will get a lot of gold after defeating it.


O rei dos Thief Bug é muito rápido e tem muito poder de ataque. Mas há grupos de aventureiros fortes e corajosos que o enfrentam. Ouvi dizer que é possível ganhar um prêmio ótimo depois de derrotá-lo.

ราชาสูงสุดของเผ่า Thief Bug มีความเร็วและพลังโจมตีในระดับสูงมาก ในอดีตเคยมีกลุ่ม Courageous Person ที่แข็งแกร่งรวมตัวกันต่อสู้ แต่เมื่อกำราบพวกนี้ได้ก็จะได้รับ Gold จำนวนมหาศาล

Raja keluarga Thief Bug memiliki kecepatan yang sangat cepat dan kekuatan serangan yang tinggi. Tapi ada kekuatan yang kuat dari tim perang salib berani untuk pergi, saya mendengar bahwa setelah kekalahan mereka akan mendapatkan banyak emas.

도둑벌레 무리의 왕으로 속도가 매우 빠르고 공격력이 강합니다, 하지만 과거에 실력 있는용사들이 토벌한 후 대량의 황금을 얻었다고 합니다.

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