Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 92
Zone Field
Shape M
Race DemiHuman
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 5129
Job Exp points 3436
HP 4,193,475
1376 688 24 6
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
252 126 135 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
HealRestore (84* Rounded ((BaseLv+INT)/10)) HP to self and allies. When the targets are undead monsters, the skill deals Holy Damage

Monster Description


An artificial girl made by the Dark Lord and a very good maid, who is responsible for all matters of Glast Heim. It is rumored that Raydric and Raydric Archer are both fascinated by it. When she is working with a broom, she is especially sexy!


As meninas criadas artificialmente pelo Dark Lord, escravas extremamente bonitas, são incumbidas de cuidar dos assuntos da cidade de Glast Heim. Os rumores dizem que o Raydric e Raydric Archer são grandes amigos. Quando começam a trabalhar, são particularmente sedutores!

สาวน้อยที่สร้างโดย Dark Lord เป็นสาวใช้ที่เก่งกาจมาก มีหน้าที่เก็บกวาดงานทุกอย่างของ Glast HeimGlast Heim ตามคำบอกเล่า Raydric และ Raydric Archer ล้วนตกหลุมรักจนถอนตัวไม่ขึ้น เวลากวาดบ้านจะเซ็กซี่เป็นพิเศษ

Gadis buatan yang dibuat oleh Dark Lord, seorang pembantu yang sangat baik, bertanggung jawab untuk semua hal di kota kuno Glast Heim. Dikabarkan bahwa Raydric Photo dan Raydric Archer semua sangatterpesona olehnya Ketika mereka bekerja dengan sapu, mereka sangat seksi!

다크 로드가 만든 하녀입니다. 글레스트헤임에서 빗자루를 들고 청소를 할 때 특히 매력적이라서 몬스터들이 그녀에게 마음을 빼앗겼습니다!

Can be found at

Glast Heim Chivalry