Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 45
Zone Guild
Shape L
Race Fish
Nature Water
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 1,403,193
245 784 20 450
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
181 88 105 0.9

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (M.Atk100%) M.Dmg to the target
Storm GustCreates blizzard, dealing (M.Atk*500%) water M.Dmg to all enemies in the target area and knocking them back. Has a 15% chance to freeze them for 7 sec
Lord of VermilionChannels lightning strikes, dealing (M.Atk*300%) wind M.Dmg to all enemies in the target area and knocking them back. Has a 40% chance to blind them. The skill takes effects for up to 4 times
Cold BoltAttacks an enemy with the ice arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk500%) water M.Dmg
Frost NovaFreezes air around, has a 83% chance to freeze all nearby enemies for 15.0 sec. Targets not froze will suffer (M.Atk*200%) water M.Dmg

Monster Description


The great and majestic Sea King who is in charge of all the waters around the mainland. Just like the waves of the sea, his character is unruly. And his artifact Trident has an amazing destructive power and can even trigger a tsunami.


O magnífico e ameaçador rei do mar controla tudo o que há nos mares. Exatamente como as ondas do oceano, era arrogante e obstinado, o seu tridente era muito poderoso e até mesmo podia provocar um tsunami.

ราชาแห่งท้องทะเลผู้ยิ่งใหญ่และน่าเกรงขาม เป็นผู้ควบคุมแนวทะเลรอบๆแผ่นดินใหญ่ทั้งหมด มีนิสัยเกรี้ยวกราดดุจคลื่นในมหาสมุทร อาวุธประจำกายคือหอกสามง่าม ที่มีพลังทำลายล้างสูงจนน่าตกใจ สามารถสร้างสีนามิได้

Raja Laut yang hebat dan agung, yang bertanggung jawab atas semua perairan di sekitar daratan. Sama seperti ombak di laut, karakternya tidak dapat diatur, dan artefak Trident memiliki kekuatan destruktif yang luar biasa dan bahkan dapat memicu tsunami.

위대한 바다의 신으로 대륙을 둘러싼 모든 해역을 관리하고 있습니다. 그의 무기인 트라이던트는 해일을 일으킬 만큼 파괴력이 굉장합니다.