Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Wood Goblin


Level 65
Zone Guild
Shape M
Race Plant
Nature Earth
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 748,087
602 301 221 3
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
187 47 125 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
Heaven's DriveRaises the ground of the target area, dealing (M.Atk800%) earth M.Dmg to units in it.
Stone CurseHas a 60% chance to petrify all enemies in the target area (Suffers less earth Dmg/more fire Dmg). Lasts 60 sec. Every 5 sec, petrified units lose 1% HP still they have ~25% HP remaining.

Monster Description


A wise man of Willow, with the natural destructive magic power. An absolute green peace envoy who is gentle and paying great attention to the natural ecology around and showing no mercy to the destroyers. Natural beauty is better than everything!


Um professor de uma família talentosa, ele tem poder mágico natural e destrutivo. Absolutamente um enviado da paz e da natureza, tem o temperamento dócil e é muito atento à ecologia saudável nas redondezas, mas impiedoso com aqueles que destroem. A beleza natural vence tudo!

ศาสตราจารย์ของเผ่า Willow มีพลังเวทย์ทำลายล้าง Str Peace Maker ของระบบนิเวศน์ นิสัยอ่อนโยนถ่อมตน ให้ความสำคัญกับความสมบูรณ์ของระบบนิเวศน์รอบตัวมาก แต่ไม่อ่อนข้อให้ผู้ทำลายล้าง สวยแบบธรรมชาติ กำราบทุกสิ่ง

sebagai salah satu willow yang bijak memiliki kekuatan gaib alami dari kehancuran. Utusan perdamaian hijau mutlak, kepribadian lembut, sangat memperhatikan ekologi alam sekitarnya, tetapi tidak ada belas kasihan kepada kapal perusak. Keindahan alam lebih baik dari segalanya!

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