Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 70
Zone Guild
Shape L
Race DemiHuman
Nature Undead
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 1,086,619
1008 504 154 53
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
242 140 135 2

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
Lex DivinaSilences an enemy for 50 sec
Magic AbsorptionDeals (Atk*150%) Dmg and 5 real damage to an enemy. Causes it to lose certain SP
Bowling BashCause enemies within range to collide into one another, dealing (410% of Atk) Dmg. The more the enemy units in the range, the higher the damage. Each enemy unit increases 10% Dmg
Magnum BreakKnocks back all nearby units and deals (Atk250%) fire Dmg. Applies Auto Attacks with fire attribute and gains 20% Atk damage. Lasts 10 sec

Monster Description


A man with a wolf's head, with his ears up and his hand holding a staff. As the son of Osiris, he is his father's most loyal supporter and guardian. The power of gods should not be desecrated and the majesty of his father will last forever! Long live Osiris!


Homem famoso pela sua barba, de orelhas retas, com martelo enorme, cujas mãos estão movendo num cajado mágico. Para o filho de Othelis, é o guardião e protetor mais leal do seu pai. Sem blasfemar o juramento do cavaleiros, a gloria do seu pai durará para sempre! Vida longa a Othelis!

ผู้ชายที่มีหัวเป็นหมาป่าและมีหูตั้งตรง ในมือถือไม้เท้าเทพ คือบุตรแห่ง Osiris เป็นผู้พิทักษ์และ Guardian ที่จงรักภักดีต่อบิดาของเขา ไม่ควรลบหลู่การปกครองแห่งเทพ อำนาจของเสด็จพ่อยืนยงตลอดกาล Osiris อายุยืนหมื่นปี

Seorang pria dengan kepala serigala, dengan telinganya ke atas dan tangannya memegang tongkat. Sebagai putra Osiris, dia adalah pendukung dan pelindung ayah yang paling setia. Kekuatan Dewa tidak ditolerir, dan keagungan ayah akan bertahan selamanya! Panjang umur orang Rusia!

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