Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 94
Zone Guild
Shape M
Race DemiHuman
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 2,224,462
979 490 50 20
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
278 148 135 1

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
Sonic BlowCuts the target quickly, dealing (Atk600%) Dmg to an enemy. Has a 30% chance to stun it.

Monster Description


Born to be a queen, Her stunt is using the whip to whip the enemy until his skin is split. Although it is so cruel, but there are still people coming and wanting to experience the grace of the whip. Her favorite food is the Immortal Hearts.


A rainha exemplar, o seu maior talento é usar o chicote para acertar os adversários até cortá-los por inteiro. Apesar de dizerem que ela é tão cruel, ainda há pessoas radicais que vêm pela sua reputação e querem experimentar os favores do chicote da rainha. Mas a comida de que ela mais gosta é Immortal Heart.

มีความเป็นควีนโดยกำเนิด ท่าไม้ตายคือใช้แส้ฟาดฝ่ายตรงข้ามจนหนังเหวอะ ถึงแม้จะโหดเหี้ยม แต่ก็ผู้ชอบความรุนแรงก็มาแวะเวียนตลอดเพื่อลิ้มรสความเอ็นดูจากแส้ของควีน ซึ่งประจวบเหมาะกับ Witch ซึ่งชอบกินหัวใจสดๆ

Dilahirkan sebagai Ratu, akrobatnya adalah memanipulasi cambuk untuk mencambuk pihak lain sampai kulit terbuka. Meskipun sangat kejam, tetapi masih ada orang-orang dengan selera berat, dan ingin mengalami rahmat cambuk sang Ratu, dan makanan favorit penyihir adalah jantung yang belum mati.

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