Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 95
Zone Guild
Shape L
Race Formless
Nature Shadow
Passive Level 999
Base Exp points 1
Job Exp points 1
HP 4,700,862
875 497 200 50
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
270 300 135 2

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
TeleportationAfter chanting for 0.5 sec, Appears on a random spot on the map
Kyrie EleisonGive a shield that blocks Dmg to an ally. The shield protects for limit times to take limited damage. The shield becomes invalid when either limit is met. Can block up to 10 times. Damage Cap = Benefier30%Max HP. The shield lasts 120 sec but becomes invalid when hit by [Holy Light Strike]
Lex DivinaSilences an enemy for 50 sec

Monster Description


One of the three magic swords. The only sword that can even kill gods. It has a strong sense of self and has been living a wandering life... Because those who could control this sword were all finally torn apart by others or themselves...


Uma das três espadas mágicas. A única espada que consegue matar até mesmo deuses, ela é tem uma consciência extremamente poderosa. Sempre viveu uma vida solitária... porque aqueles que podem controlar esta espada mágica acabaram em pedacinhos por outras pessoas ou por si próprios.

หนึ่งในสามดาบเวทย์ เป็นดาบเดียวทีสามารถฆ่าเทพได้ มีความรู้สึกรับรู้ที่รุนแรงมาก เร่ร่อนมาทั้งชีวิต...เพราะผู้ที่ควบคุมดาบนี้ล้วนเผชิญจุดจบโดยโดนผู้อื่นหรือไม่ก็ตัวเองหั่นเป็นชิ้นๆ

Salah satu dari tiga pedang sihir. Satu-satunya pedang yang bahkan Dewa bisa bunuh, memiliki kesadaran diri yang kuat. sering menjalani kehidupan yang mengembara... karena mereka yang bisa mengendalikan pedang sihir ini, hasil akhirnya akan terkoyak oleh orang lain atau diri mereka sendiri...

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