Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Creamy ★


Level 20
Zone Field
Shape S
Race Insect
Nature Wind
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 650
Job Exp points 435
HP 3,759
29 18 0 50
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
122 56 60 0.65

Monster Description


Appeared in the vicinity of the forests of various cities, evolved from pupa. It loves honey. With a strong sense of escape, many years of practice finally made it learn the advanced skill - teleportation. The only purpose after meeting the danger is to escape!


Encontra-se perto das florestas de várias cidades. Evoluiu de uma Pupa, e ama Mel. Tem um grande instinto de fuga, e após muitos anos aprendeu a habilidade de teleporte. Quando encontra perigo, sua técnica é: se não consegue derrotar, foge!

อยู่บริเวณป่าใกล้เมือง พัฒนามาจาก Pupa และชื่นชอบน้ำผึ้ง เป็นพวกที่หลบหนีเก่งมาก ฝึกฝนการหลบถึงขั้นสุดยอด เจออันตรายเมื่อไหร่ก็หนีทันที ถือคติว่าสู้ไม่ได้ก็เผ่นสิจ้ะ!

Muncul di hutan yang dekat disetiap kota , berevolusi dari serangga menjadi lebah. Dengan pelarian yang cepat, bertahun-tahun berlatih akhirnya belajar Skill teleportasi,ketika mengalami bahaya,yang sangat sering dilakukan bila tidak sanggup menghadapai akan segera lari!

도시의 숲 근처에서 나타나고 번데기에서 진화했으며 꿀을 매우 사랑합니다, 달아나려는 강렬한 의지로 여러 해 동안 연습했고 결국 순간이동이라는 고급 스킬을 습득했습니다, 위험이 닥치면 오로지 한 가지 생각 뿐입니다, “이길 수 없다면 달아나자!”

Can be found at

Labyrinth Forest