Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Christmas Cookie


Level 112
Zone Field
Shape S
Race DemiHuman
Nature Holy
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 1978
Job Exp points 1220
HP 87,625
147 602 73 469
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
185 195 30 0.63

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (M.Atk100%) M.Dmg to the target
Holy DmgDeals (Atk*150%) holy damage and 5 real damage to an enemy
Lex AeternaCause an enemy to take 100% more damage from the next attack
Cold BoltAttacks an enemy with the ice arrows from the sky, dealing (M.Atk500%) water M.Dmg

Monster Description


The elf from the alien world. The elf is arranged to produce presents for innocent children. It represents red, the major color of an important festival. The favorite dessert: Tabala Mamasu.


Os elfos de um outro mundo são coordenados por um Grande Homem para entregar presentes para crianças, e eles são da cor verde em festivais importantes. A sobremesa favorita é: Tabala Mamasu.

Elf จากต่างแดน ได้รับคำสั่งให้สร้างของขวัญสำหรับส่งให้เหล่าเด็กดี เป็นตัวแทนชุดแดงที่ทำหน้าที่ในเทศกาลสำคัญ ของหวานสุดโปรด: Tabora Ma Masu

Para elf dari dunia yang berbeda, diatur oleh seorang pria besar untuk membuat hadiah yang diberikan kepada anak-anak baik, dan mereka adalah perwakilan dari tema warna hijau di festival-festival penting. Makanan manis favorit: Tabraya.Mamasu.

이계의 정령, 위대한 인물이 특별히 순수한 아이들에게 선물을 주기 위해 특별히 제작한 양말, 중요한 명절에 홍색을 담당합니다, 가장 좋아하는 간식: 타플라아 마마소

Can be found at

Toy Factory 2F