Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 111
Zone Field
Shape M
Race Formless
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 2372
Job Exp points 970
HP 98,087
647 157 305 39
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
195 194 30 0.65

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
True SightGains high sniper capability in a short time, Gaining all 6 base attributes +5, Atk +5% and Critical +5 for 45 sec
Sharp ShootingConcentrates to shoot, dealing (Atk325%) arrow DMG to the target and granting self (15%*Damage Done) HP
Multi FiringStrafes the frontal area, dealing (Atk480%) lane Dmg to all enemies in range and knocking them back shortly

Monster Description


The soldier is made of delicate gears in a surprisingly complex way. Even experts have confirmed that it is not actuated by magic power! Though assembled weapons are toys, it is reported that they can hurt adventurers...


Soldados feitos de engrenagens engenhosas com incríveis estruturas complexas, verificados por especialistas, realmente não são movidos por nenhum poder mágico! Embora a arma seja um brinquedo, há relatos de aventureiros feridos que dizem ter se machucado ao serem atingidos...

Autonomy Soldier ที่สร้างจากเกียร์สุดล้ำ และกลไกที่ซับซ้อนยืนยันจากนักวิชาการแล้ว ไม่ได้ขับเคลื่อนด้วยพลังปีศาจจริงๆ! ถึงแม้จะเป็นขอเล่นติดอาวุธ แต่มีนักผจญภัยถูกโจมตี และบอกว่ามันเจ็บมาก...

Prajurit mainan yang dibuat dengan hati-hati sampai membuat orang terkagum, diperiksa oleh para ahli untuk memastikan bahwa benar-benar tidak digerakkan oleh kekuatan sihir! Meskipun senjatanya adalah mainan, ada laporan cedera dari Petualang yang mengatakan bahwa mereka masih terluka ketika mereka dipukul...

감탄할 정도로 정교한 기어장치와 구조가 복잡한 자율형 병사, 마력으로 움직이는 게 아니라는 걸 전문가가 확인했습니다! 무기를 장착한 장난감에 불과하지만 일부 모험가가 부상을 입었다는 소식도 들려옵니다…

Can be found at

Toy Factory 1F