Ragnarok Mobile Monster



Level 88
Zone Field
Shape S
Race Formless
Nature Neutral
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 337
Job Exp points 520
HP 67,011
297 238 152 78
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
148 134 125 0.74

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Wind DmgDeals (Atk*150%) wind damage and 5 real damage to an enemy

Monster Description


A magic book with a lot of mysterious magic, with the ability to fly. Part of the book cover have evolved into giant teeth because it has to keep its secrets. Those who want to peek into the book will be attacked by it. The strange thing is that it will clean the teeth regularly...


Um livro mágico com muita magia misteriosa, e com a capacidade de voar. Algumas das capas dos livros ganharam dentes grandes porque precisam guardar seus segredos, para não deixar que pessoas indesejadas vão dar uma espiada dentro do livro. O estranho é que limpam os dentes regularmente em privado...

หนังสือเวทย์มนตร์ที่บันทึกเวทย์มนตร์ลึกลับไว้จำนวนมาก สามารถบินได้ เพราะต้องการที่จะปกป้องความลับจึงเปลี่ยนปกหนังสือบางส่วนเป็นฟันยักษ์สำหรับจัดการผู้ที่มีเจตนาไม่ดีต้องการขโมยความรู้ในหนังสือ ที่แปลกก็คือมันมักจะทำความสะอาดฟันอย่างสม่ำเสมอ ...

Sebuah buku sihir dengan banyak sihir misterius, memiliki kemampuan untuk terbang. Beberapa sampul buku telah berevolusi menjadi gigi raksasa karena mereka harus menjaga rahasia mereka,mereka tidak sukan terhadapat orang yang ingin mencuri pengetahuan dia. Yang aneh adalah sendiri membersihkan gigi secara teratur...

신비한 마법이 기록된 마법의 책이고 비행도 가능합니다, 비밀을 지키기 위해 책 커버의 일부가 거대한 이빨로 진화했고 책을 훔치려는 자들에겐 무자비합니다, 게다가 정기적으로 양치질까지 한다니 참 재밌죠?