Ragnarok Mobile Monster

Soldier Skeleton


Level 52
Zone Field
Shape M
Race Undead
Nature Undead
Passive Level 40
Base Exp points 356
Job Exp points 216
HP 14,362
111 72 212 14
Hit Flee Move Speed ASPD
72 44 60 0.6

Monster Skills

Auto AttackDeals (Atk100%) Dmg to the target
Undead AttackDeals (Atk*150%) undead damage and 5 real damage to an enemy

Monster Description


Before his death, he was a loyal soldier of Osiris. After his resurrection, he recovered his weapon and continued to perform his duties as a guardian in the pyramid. He and Poporing are good friends and will talk to each other when they're bored.


Durante sua vida, foi um leal soldado de Osíris. Depois de sua ressurreição, recuperou suas armas e continuou a desempenhar suas funções como guardião na Pirâmide. É um grande amigo de Poporing, e conversam sobre tudo quando estão aborrecidos...

ตอนที่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่เป็นนักรบที่ซื่อสัตย์ของ Osiris หลังจากถูกชุบชีวิต หยิบอาวุธขึ้นมาทำหน้าที่ปกป้องพิระมิด เป็นเพื่อนรักของ Poporing ตอนเบื่อๆก็จะคุยกัน

Selama masa hidupnya, ia adalah seorang prajurit Osiris yang setia.Setelah kebangkitannya ia mengambil senjatanya ditangannya dan terus memilih untuk melakukan tugasnya sebagai penjaga di piramida. Dan Poporing adalah teman baikny, saat bosan akan berbicara satu sama lain...

생전에는 오시리스의 충실한 병사였고 부활한 후에는 무기를 들고 피라미드를 지키는 임무를 계속 수행하고 있습니다, 포포링과는 좋은 친구라서 심심할 때는 같이 속얘기를 합니다.

Can be found at

Pyramid 1F