Ragnarok Mobile Item


Apple Vinegar


MaxNum 999
Can sell? Yes
Sell Price 24
Can store? Yes
Can auction? No



A special food ingredient used for cooking something special.


Ingredientes especiais podem ser usados para cozinhar coisas especiais.

วัตถุดิบพิเศษ สามารถใช้ทำอาหารสุดพิเศษ

Bahan-bahan khusus dapat digunakan untuk memasak hal-hal khusus.

요리하는 데 사용되는 특산물 식자재.

Is ingredient for


Yummy Steak


Max HP +216, Max SP +21, Def +24 , Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 3 abnormal status attacks can be immunized.

Yummy Kebab


Max HP +360, Max SP +21, Def +24, M.Def +24

Yummy Fish Steak


Max HP +216, Max SP +21, Atk +24, Move Spd +1.75%

Yummy Seafood Kebab


Max HP +216, Max SP +21, Atk +24, Def +24, Dmg to player +1.25%

Yummy Seafood Soup


Max HP +216, Max SP +21, Atk +24, M.Def +24, ignore Def +1.25%

Yummy Vegetables


Max HP +216, Max SP +21, M.Atk +24, M.Def +24

Desert Steak


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, Def +36 , Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal status attacks can be immunized.

Brandy March


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, Def +36, M.Def +36, Equipment ASPD +3%

Fishman's Soul


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, Atk +36, Move Spd +3%

Trubius Seafood Kebab


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, Atk +36, Def +36, Dmg to player +2%

Song for You


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, Atk +36, M.Def +36, ignore Def +2%

Sky Blade


Max HP +420, Max SP +42, M.Atk +36, M.Def +36 , Won't die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to once.

Prontera Royal Kebab


Max HP +830, Max SP +50, Def +38

Prontera Royal Broth


Max HP +500, Max SP +50, Def +38, M.Def +38, Equipment ASPD +3.25%

Prontera Royal Fish Steak


Max HP +500, Max SP +50, Atk +38, Move Spd +3.25%

Prontera Royal Fish Kebab


Max HP +500, Max SP +50, Atk +38, Physical Defense +38, Dmg Increase to players +2.25%

Prontera Royal Salad


Max HP +500, Max SP +50, M.Def +38, Cast Delay -2.25% , Won't die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to twice.

Prontera Royal Green BBQ


Max HP +500, Max SP +50, M.Def +38, Cast Delay -2.25%
