MaxNum | 9999 |
Can sell? | Yes |
Sell Price | 250 |
Can store? | Yes |
Can auction? | Yes |
It has the same name of the oxygen mask used in water, but please note that the function is different.
O nome é igual ao nome da máscara de oxigênio usada na água, mas observe que a função é diferente.
ชื่อเหมือน Oxygen Mask ที่ใช้ในน้ำ แต่ว่าการใช้งานไม่เหมือนกัน โปรดระวัง
Nama yang sama seperti alat pernapasan yang dipakai didalam air, tapi kegunaannya berbeda tolong diingat.
물속에서 사용하는 것과는 이름만 같을 뿐 기능은 다르니 사용시 주의하자.
Quantity | Item | Image |
1 | Oxygen Mask | ![]() |
Thief Bug Male