Equip Effect | Atk+ 200 |
Equip Special Effect | When attacking devil monsters, Crit Dmg +25% When attacking devil monsters, There is a chance to release [Dying Tactic] (invalid to MVP/MINI monsters) |
Equip Bonus | Within the range, One Hit Kill chance increases by 50% against Undead monsters When fighting against demon monsters, has a low chance to gain [Dying Tactic]. |
MaxNum | 1 |
Can sell? | Yes |
Sell Price | 9600 |
Can store? | Yes |
Can auction? | Yes |
The axe that can make the restless souls in the hell rest in peace.
Um machado que permite que a alma descanse em paz.
Kapak yang bisa membuat jiwa tenang dan bertapa dibawah air terjun dan tidak kunjung bergerak.
구천을 떠도는 영혼들에게 안식을 줍니다.
Items |
5 X Sabbath [1] |
Moonlight Flower